You automate to retain existing customers. Or to acquire new customers. Do you want to know with which specific services Mediascope can realize both goals for your company?

We list them for you.


At Mediascope we develop marketing strategies that deliver immediate engagement. And that comes down to: combining data about your customers or future customers in a smart and original way with innovative technology and personalization.

System integration

Creating APIs, linking applications You have more customer data than you think. Only: how do you find them? How do you make the most of them, while putting privacy first? Mediascope links all your systems, from your CRM to invoicing. And therefore draws up very precise profiles.


Just design something: can do. But what you really want is an email campaign that seamlessly matches your DNA. And at the same time hits a chord with your customer. Good news: our designers bridge that gap between your identity and targets.

Copy and content

You must of course have something substantial to tell your target group. And write it down in a nice way. Mediascope has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of copy and content. In other words: we like to climb into the pen.

Landing pages

Landing pages are a critical factor in the success of your email marketing campaign. Because once you have the attention of your target group, you undoubtedly want to move on to phase two: the conversion. You can continue with our landing pages.

Reporting & Analysis

After the campaign, you want to know its effectiveness. That is why we create reports based on the defined KPIs. We master the art of a clear and complete overview like no other. Everything at a glance.

Hoja de Ruta Marketing Automatizado

Everything starts with the customer journey

You have the customer. You have the customer journey he has made. And you have the information he provided during his journey. Our focus is on this trinity. We can do something with that.

A look at our CV

Privacy by design: the common thread

At Mediascope we are convinced that the privacy of our clients' customers must be central to the entire system engineering. Not only because of laws and regulations. But also because it gives you the strongest grip on data. Which is very useful for an optimal campaign.

More privacy
Hoja de Ruta Email Marketing

Digital transformation with Mediascope

An email campaign stands or falls in the planning, execution and everything in between. Maximum accuracy is required. Mediascope works towards an optimal result in five steps. And along the way, your organization is undergoing a true digital transformation.

Take the three steps

The email marketing module from Soluciones Informáticas ADV

With this ADV module, all customers can communicate directly with the end customer. This module ensures that all the necessary data is available, from the siADV ERP, so that you can use this data during the customer's Customer Journey.

More about this Email Marketing module

All under one roof

Have you already sent that invitation to that event? Is it time to remove all worthless information from your database? From design to complete campaign, from APIs to responsive templates: we have all those specialties in-house. So you can focus on your core tasks.

Have a cup of coffee?