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e-Mail Solutions

Mediascope formulates and implements strategic solutions in the field of email marketing. It uses your companies own client data base for personalisation. Mediascope combines technological applications with effective communication online. We believe that is the foundation for commercial success. Knowledge of and experience with communication is indispensable.

You need to be where your potential customers are

You need to be where your potential customers are located, that is our tenet. If the client is on Facebook, the supplier must communicate through Facebook. That is the power of Facebook. You can also use Facebook’s power. For several customers we described strategies to generate ‘Likes’

The success of mobile responsive campaigns

Did you know that email opens and clicks, occurring on mobile devices, have increased 80% over the course of the last period? When you create campaigns geared to move prospects down the funnel, are you considering mobile devices? Are you giving your potential buyers an option of

Privacy by Design

Mediascope has developed a new product: the Privacy Prevention Scan. Within 4 weeks we can check your current privacy protocols. It is based on our plan to communicate within the Privacy regulations. In this plan, “10 Steps to Privacy”, a method is described to create an organization