As an agency for automated email marketing, Mediascope is happy to help you communicate with the customer. In short, this boils down to emails with relevant content, sent at the right time.

We distinguish ourselves on three points.

We are available when you need us, 24/7. Think of our team as an extension of... Your e-mail marketing goals will also become ours.

Email marketing is what we do. And we did: we now have twenty years of experience. No email system has secrets from us and we are completely at home in privacy by design.

We are happy to work with the software you use every day. You can do that at your office, in the Mediascope studio or a combination of both. What you like best.


Two lessons, one vision

Solutions are leading, not technology. And: you have to know exactly what you want to communicate. How will your message be.

These are the two most important lessons we’ve learned in all the time we’ve been active in email marketing. Call it our vision.

We got there early

Mediascope was founded at the beginning of this century. From day one, we saw the strength of the mix of marketing, technology and the internet.

Twenty years of knowledge and experience – you can benefit from that.